122 Hilarious Funny Cartoon Quotes To Make You Smile

Funny Cartoon Quotes : Cartoon quotes have the greatest magical way of making us laugh and taking us back to the carefree days of childhood filled with animated adventures. To make your memory journey more entertaining, we have come up with an idea of the top funny cartoon quotes that are not only entertaining but also capable of educating a lot.

So these animation images serve you well as we revisit these priceless quotes and recapture the ones that have brought us joy. So let’s check out the cartoon quotes we have created that will definitely make you giggle and bring back your inner child.

Funny Cartoon Quotes

1. “Behind every successful cartoon character is a bunch of cats doing the real work. #CatPower”

funny cartoon quotes

2. “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right – cartoon style. #ToonTruths”

3. “I put the ‘pro’ in procrastinate, just like any good cartoon character. #ProcrastinationPro”

4. “I’m not lazy; I’m on energy-saving mode – just like your favorite cartoon characters. #EnergySaver”

5. “I’m not addicted to coffee; we’re just in a serious cartoon relationship. #CoffeeLove”

6. “My bed and I have a special relationship. We’re perfect for each other – cartoon style. #BedBuddies”

7. “I don’t snore; I dream I’m a motorcycle – a cartoon motorcycle. #SnoreCycle”

8. “My daily exercise routine involves jumping to conclusions and running late – cartoon cardio at its finest. #CartoonExercise”

9. “I’m not messy; I’m creatively organized – cartoon chaos at its best. #CreativeChaos”

10. “I’m not ignoring you; I’m just giving you the silent treatment – cartoon edition. #SilentToon”

Cartoon Quotes About Childhood Memories with images HD

11. “My life is a constant battle between my love for cartoons and adulting. Cartoons usually win. #ForeverYoung”

12. “I’m not antisocial; I’m just pro-cartoon binge-watching. #AntiSocialToons”

13. “I’m not ignoring you; I’m just on a stealth mission in the cartoon world. #StealthMode”

14. “I’m not addicted to technology; I’m committed to enhancing my cartoon-watching experience. #TechToons”

15. “I’m not a drama queen; I’m a cartoon monarch of exaggerated emotions. #DramaToon”

funny Cartoon Quotes from Animators & Cartoonists with images

16. “I’m not a night owl; I’m a nocturnal cartoon enthusiast. #NightOwlToon”

17. “I’m not a chef; I’m a cartoon culinary artist specializing in microwave masterpieces. #MicrowaveChef”

18. “I’m not forgetful; my memory has selective cartoon focus. #ForgetfulToon”

19. “I’m not late; I’m just following the cartoon tradition of fashionably tardy arrivals. #FashionablyLate”

20. “I’m not addicted to chocolate; I’m committed to supporting the cocoa economy – cartoon style. #ChocolateLover”

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Funny Cartoon Jokes For Adults

1. What’s a cartoon character’s favorite type of humor? Slapstick, of course – literally! #SlapstickLaughs

Funny Cartoon Jokes For Adults

2. How do cartoon characters stay in shape? They do lots of animated workouts – lots of flexing and stretching! #FitToons

3. Why did the cartoon character refuse to share a joke? It was afraid it might get drawn out! #ToonPuns

4. What do you call a lazy cartoon character? A snooze button enthusiast! #LazyToons

5. Why did the cartoon tomato turn red? It saw the salad dressing! #TomatoBlush

6. How do cartoon characters keep their skin looking smooth? They use lots of animated moisturizer! #SmoothToons

7. Why did the cartoon character apply for a job at the bakery? It wanted to make some dough! #BreadWinnerToon

8. How do cartoon characters communicate? They just draw it out for each other! #ToonCommunication

9. What’s a cartoon character’s favorite type of music? Anything with a good beat – preferably accompanied by a drumstick! #CartoonBeats

10. Why did the cartoon dog sit in the shade? It didn’t want to be a hot dog! #CoolPoochToon

Uplifting Cartoon Quotes from Cartoon Characters with images

11. How does a cartoon character apologize? They draw you a sorry picture! #ToonApology

12. What’s a cartoon character’s favorite mode of transportation? The funny bone – it always gets a good laugh! #ToonTransport

13. Why did the cartoon character open a bakery? It wanted to make some sweet rolls! #PastryToons

14. How does a cartoon character organize a space party? They planet! #SpaceToons

15. Why did the cartoon character go to therapy? It had too many issues in black and white! #ToonTherapy

Comical Cartoon Quotes from Cartoon Characters with images HD

16. What’s a cartoon character’s favorite social media platform? Sketchstagram! #ToonSocial

17. Why did the cartoon character take a break from comedy? It needed time to draw new material! #ToonComedyBreak

18. How do cartoon characters keep their hair in place? With animated hair gel! #ToonHairCare

19. Why did the cartoon character become a gardener? It had a green thumb – literally! #ToonGardener

20. What did the cartoon character say to the comedian? “You really drew me in with that one!” #ToonComedy

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Funny Cartoon Captions For Instagram

1. “When life gives you lemons, squirt them in someone’s eye – cartoon style. #LemonSquirt”

Funny Cartoon Captions For Instagram

2. “Coffee and cartoons: Because adulting is hard, but caffeine and laughter make it bearable. #CoffeeAndToons”

3. “Behind every great cartoon character is a person who can’t adult properly. #AdultingFail”

4. “If only my bank account looked as animated as my cartoon marathon watchlist. #CartoonBinge”

5. “Eating my way through the week like a cartoon character on a snack quest. #SnackAttack”

6. “Wishing life had a ‘skip intro’ button, just like my favorite cartoons. #SkipIntroLife”

7. “Dressed like a responsible adult, but inside, I’m just a kid watching Saturday morning cartoons. #CartoonFashion”

8. “Trying to adult like a responsible human, but my cartoon soul keeps pulling me back. #ToonStruggles”

9. “If I were a cartoon character, my superpower would be the ability to nap on command. #NapHero”

10. “Life is too short to take seriously. Enter the cartoon zone and laugh at the chaos. #LaughMore”

Unforgettable Cartoon captions with image

11. “Currently on a mission to find the remote – because adulting without cartoons is just cruel. #RemoteHunt”

12. “I’m not lazy; I’m just in a committed relationship with my cartoon couch. #CouchPotatoToon”

13. “When in doubt, add more cartoons to your day – it’s the secret to a happy life. #CartoonJoy”

14. “My life is a series of doodles and daydreams, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. #DoodleDreamer”

15. “I may not have it all together, but at least my cartoon character does. #ToonGoals”

Best animated Quotes of All Time with images

16. “Adulting level: Expert at pretending to be a responsible human while secretly daydreaming about cartoons. #ToonExpert”

17. “Coffee in one hand, cartoon remote in the other – ready for whatever the day throws my way. #CoffeeAndCartoons”

18. “If life gives you Mondays, make them cartoon marathon days. #MondayMotivation”

19. “Living my best cartoon life in a world that desperately needs more humor. #ToonHumor”

20. “I’m not anti-social; I’m just pro-cartoon-and-chill. #ToonAndChill”

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Funny Cartoon Quotes About Life

1. “Life is like a cartoon – full of unexpected plot twists and characters that make you laugh. #CartoonLife”

Funny Cartoon Quotes About Life

2. “In the grand scheme of things, life is just a doodle waiting to be colored. #DoodleLife”

3. “Life is short, so surround yourself with characters who make you smile, just like in a cartoon. #SmileMore”

4. “Adulting is hard, but it’s a little easier with a cartoonish sense of humor. #CartoonAdulting”

5. “Life’s too short to take seriously – embrace the laughter, just like a good cartoon. #LaughOften”

6. “Just like a cartoon character, life gets more interesting when you give it a quirky soundtrack. #QuirkyLife”

7. “Life’s challenges are easier to tackle with a cartoonish resilience and a dash of humor. #CartoonResilience”

8. “Adulting is just a series of cartoonish obstacles that make for a good story later. #ObstacleCourseLife”

9. “In the grand cartoon of life, I’m the character who takes detours and enjoys the scenic route. #ScenicLife”

10. “Life is a lot like a cartoon marathon – you never know what adventure awaits in the next episode. #LifeAdventure”

Funny Iconic Cartoon Quotes With Captions with images

11. “If life were a cartoon, I’d be the character who talks to animals and has endless adventures. #CartoonDreamer”

12. “Life’s greatest lessons can be learned from the wisdom of animated characters. #CartoonWisdom”

13. “Life’s like a cartoon – the best moments are when you’re laughing so hard that tears become animated. #AnimatedTears”

14. “If life were a cartoon, I’d be the character with a closet full of mismatched socks and a heart full of joy. #SockJoy”

15. “Life is a journey, and I’m navigating it with a cartoonish sense of direction – slightly off but always entertaining. #CartoonDirection”

Funny Humorous Cartoon With Pictures with images HD

16. “When life gives you challenges, turn them into a cartoon adventure with a humorous twist. #CartoonAdventure”

17. “In the grand cartoon of life, I’m the character who dances through the rain and embraces every splash. #DanceThroughLife”

18. “Life is a puzzle, and I’m the cartoon character finding joy in the pieces that don’t quite fit. #CartoonPuzzle”

19. “Life’s challenges are just plot twists in the grand cartoon story – keep flipping those pages. #CartoonStory”

20. “Life is a series of animated moments – make sure yours are filled with laughter and a touch of whimsy. #AnimatedMoments”

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Famous Funny Cartoon Quotes Images

1. “Why grow up when you can be a kid forever in the world of cartoons? #EternalChildhood”

Famous Funny Cartoon Quotes Images

2. “Adulting is overrated; I’d rather be in a world where anvils fall from the sky, and nobody gets hurt. #CartoonReality”

3. “Cartoons are my therapy – where laughter is the best medicine. #CartoonTherapy”

4. “Life is a canvas, and I’m just a doodle waiting to happen. #DoodleLife”

5. “Why take life seriously when you can have a cartoonishly good time? #CartoonJoy”

6. “I’m not lazy; I’m just on standby for the next cartoon adventure. #ToonStandby”

7. “Reality is overrated; I prefer the beautifully chaotic world of cartoons. #BeautifulChaos”

8. “Life’s too short for serious faces. Channel your inner cartoon and smile like you just pulled off the perfect prank. #CartoonSmile”

9. “Why fit in when you were born to stand out, preferably in technicolor? #StandOutToon”

10. “Life is a rollercoaster, and I’m just here for the loop-de-loops and unexpected drops. #CartoonRollercoaster”

Memorable Funny Cartoon Quotes with image HD

11. “I’m not clumsy; I’m just rehearsing my cartoonish pratfalls for the big stage of life. #CartoonPratfalls”

12. “In the book of life, I’m the character adding doodles in the margins. #LifeDoodles”

13. “Life’s a comedy, and I’m the cartoon character with a front-row seat to the laughter. #ComedyLife”

14. “Adulting might be mandatory, but taking it seriously is optional. #OptionalSeriousness”

15. “Life is a coloring book, and I’m the cartoon character adding splashes of laughter to every page. #ColorfulLaughter”

Inspirational quotes with cartoon images

16. “Why have a routine when you can have a cartoonish adventure every day? #CartoonAdventure”

17. “In the grand cartoon of life, I’m the character who finds joy in the simple pleasures of doodles and daydreams. #SimpleJoys”

18. “Life’s a puzzle, and I’m the cartoon character finding joy in the pieces that don’t quite fit. #CartoonPuzzle”

19. “Adulting is just a series of cartoonish obstacles; dodge them with a smile and a laugh. #CartoonObstacles”

20. “I’m not clumsy; I’m just rehearsing my cartoonish pratfalls for the big stage of life. #CartoonPratfalls”

In The End :

We hope you enjoyed reading our list of funny cartoon quotes. Sharing these funny quotes also brings back happiness and childhood memories.

Since all the explanations have been given within the context of related experiences, it is not difficult to find your favourite cartoon quotes. And to get updates on such amazing posts, follow us on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. (Thank you).

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