Quotes By St John Of The Cross

“To reach the light, one must embrace the darkness within, for it is in the depths that the soul discovers its true radiance.”-St. John of the Cross

“The soul’s journey is a mystical ascent, climbing the ladder of divine love rung by rung, until it merges with the infinite.”-St. John of the Cross

“To find God, one must lose oneself in the divine wilderness, abandoning all attachments to embrace the infinite unknown.”-St. John of the Cross

“Love is the mystic’s lantern, illuminating the darkest corners of the heart with the flame of divine passion.”-St. John of the Cross

“Silence is the language of God; in its profound stillness, the soul hears the whispers of the divine presence.”-St. John of the Cross

“The soul’s night is a canvas where God paints the masterpiece of divine transformation in the brushstrokes of love.”-St. John of the Cross

“In the abyss of divine love, the soul plunges, losing itself to find the boundless ocean of God’s infinite mercy.”-St. John of the Cross

“To commune with God, the soul must strip away the veils of ego, standing naked in the presence of divine grace.”-St. John of the Cross

“The soul’s dark night is not a punishment but a passage, a transformative journey through the shadows to the light of divine union.”-St. John of the Cross

“In the divine alchemy, suffering becomes the crucible where the soul is transfigured into the likeness of the Beloved.”-St. John of the Cross

“The soul’s thirst for God is quenched in the fountains of divine love, where every drop is an elixir of eternal communion.”-St. John of the Cross

“To ascend to God, the soul must descend into the depths of humility, letting go of all that hinders divine union.”-St. John of the Cross

“In the divine embrace, the soul dissolves into the ocean of God’s love, becoming a drop in the vast expanse of eternal unity.”-St. John of the Cross

“The soul’s journey is a divine romance, where every trial is a love letter from God, inviting deeper communion.”-St. John of the Cross

“Love is the fire that consumes the soul’s impurities, leaving only the pure gold of divine intimacy.”-St. John of the Cross

“The soul’s journey is a song of surrender, where each note is a step toward the harmonious union with the divine melody.”-St. John of the Cross

“In the divine workshop, the soul is sculpted into the image of God, chiseled by the hands of love and grace.”-St. John of the Cross

“To find God, the soul must navigate the labyrinth of self-discovery, where every twist and turn leads to the divine center.”-St. John of the Cross

“The soul’s journey is a pilgrimage of longing, where the heart’s desire is the compass pointing toward the divine Beloved.”-St. John of the Cross

“In the solitude of prayer, the soul’s conversation with God is a sacred dialogue, where silence speaks louder than words.”-St. John of the Cross

“To become one with God, the soul must shed the garments of ego and stand naked in the purity of divine presence.”-St. John of the Cross

“The soul’s journey is a pilgrimage of love, where each step is a testament to the enduring bond between the seeker and the sought.”-St. John of the Cross

“In the soul’s sanctuary, the flame of divine love is kindled, and in its radiance, we find the path to eternity.” – St. John of the Cross

“The night of the soul is a cosmic canvas where stars of faith shine brightest in the vast expanse of divine mystery.” – St. John of the Cross

“In the depths of surrender, the soul becomes a vessel, and God’s love flows like a river, shaping the landscape of our existence.” – St. John of the Cross

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