Quotes By William Booth

“Salvation is not a transaction; it’s a transformation, a revolution of the soul.”-William Booth

“In the battle for righteousness, the first weapon to be used is prayer.”-William Booth

“Go and tell the old man to shut his eyes no more in sleep until he opens them in salvation.”-William Booth

“The best remedy for a sick church is to put it on a missionary diet.”-William Booth

“I want to live as long as I am useful, but when my work is done I want to be up and away.”-William Booth

“It is in the nature of the fire of God to cease to burn if there is nothing to burn. So also it is the nature of the Holy Spirit to cease to flow if the spring of living water is dammed up by sin.”-William Booth

“The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few.”-William Booth

“Ours is a working, not a loitering Saviour. ‘I must work the works of Him that sent Me,’ He says. There is much to do, and there is no time to lose.”-William Booth

“The greatness of a man’s power is in the measure of his surrender.”-William Booth

“Go and tell the old man to shut his eyes no more in sleep until he opens them in salvation.”-William Booth

“I want to live as long as I am useful, but when my work is done I want to be up and away.”-William Booth

“Salvation is not just a destination; it’s a transformative journey where the soul finds its true home in the embrace of divine love.”-William Booth

“In the orchestra of compassion, every act of kindness is a symphony that reverberates through the chambers of the human heart.”-William Booth

“The essence of Christianity is not just in beliefs professed but in love expressed, a love that reaches the deepest corners of human need.”-William Booth

“While the world seeks comfort in possessions, true wealth lies in the richness of a compassionate heart that knows no bounds.”-William Booth

“To be a follower of Christ is to be a trailblazer of love, carving paths of hope through the wilderness of despair.”-William Booth

“Faith without action is like a song unsung; let your life be the melody that resonates with the transformative power of belief.”-William Booth

“In the grand theater of humanity, love is the stage, and every act of kindness is a performance that leaves an indelible mark on the soul.”-William Booth

“The currency of heaven is not gold or silver; it’s the selfless acts of love and compassion that echo in eternity.”-William Booth

“The gospel is not merely a message to be heard but a flame to be shared, igniting hearts with the warmth of God’s boundless love.”-William Booth

“In the tapestry of grace, every thread of mercy woven into the fabric of human existence tells a story of redemption and divine love.”-William Booth

“The heartbeat of salvation is the rhythm of love, pulsating through the veins of humanity, calling all to the dance of redemption.”-William Booth

“The most powerful sermon is the one preached not with words alone but with actions that resonate with the echo of divine compassion.”-William Booth

“In the garden of grace, kindness is the seed, and every act of love is a blossom that perfumes the world with the fragrance of God’s mercy.”-William Booth

“To be a follower of Christ is to be a bearer of light, illuminating the darkest corners with the flame of unconditional love.”-William Booth

“In the pursuit of holiness, let love be the compass guiding the journey, for it is the purest reflection of the divine nature.”-William Booth

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